seri037's blog

GSoC '24 Progress: Week 7 and 8


Multiple Subtitle Track

I continued to refine the feature proposed in my previous blog. We can now add new layers directly on the timeline by simply dragging the existing subtitle out of the bottom border of the subtitle track. Adding, moving, and deleting subtitles work as before, now with layer support.

I also added an indicator to the header of the subtitle track. It looks like this:

Besides setting a style to a specific subtitle event, I also plan to add the feature of setting different default styles for different subtitle layers. This will allow us to easily apply a consistent style to groups of subtitles within each layer.

Improved Subtitle Manager

Layer management is now integrated into the subtitle manager, giving it a fresh new look.

The duplicate and delete operations now work for layers as well.

Automatic Conversion of .srt Subtitle

To better test and develop the style feature, I switched the subtitle storage format to .ass. With the help of my mentor, we can now automatically convert the .srt files from old projects to .ass files while keeping the original .srt file.

There are still some minor issues with style conversion, such as incorrect font sizes. However, I believe it’s time to shift my focus to the styling widget and address these bugs later. The next two weeks will be dedicated to style management, which is the most important part of the project, so stay tuned!