seri037's blog

GSoC '24 Progress: Week 9 - 12


Hello everyone! Time flies and now we’re already in the final week of GSoC. In this blog post I’ll be sharing the progress I’ve made since my last update, focusing primarily on subtitle styling.

Subtitle Editor

The first thing I did was to enhance the existing subtitle editor. The updated editor now serves as an interface for editing ASS events, which include various components. With the new subtitle editor, we can easily modify elements such as the event’s layer, style, margins, and more. I’ve also simplified the effects section, allowing us to control subtitle scrolling by simply adjusting checkboxes and combo boxes for speed, direction, and range.

However, the most significant change is the text field and the buttons above it. To better understand these changes, it’s important to first introduce the relationship between ASS styles and events. In ASS files, each event must be assigned a valid style that applies to the entire event text. Additionally, ASS override tags are special text blocks within events that allow precise control over the styles of different parts of the text, rather than the entire text. (There are some exceptions, like “Set Position.”)

The text field has been enhanced to assist users in inputting ASS override tags using the provided buttons. For instance, when a user clicks the “Toggle Bold” button, tags are automatically inserted or adjusted to toggle the bold style for either the selected text or the text following the cursor if nothing is selected. Additionally, the text field features a highlighter that renders different parts of the tags in distinct styles, making them more distinguishable, and an auto-completer that lists all valid presets as we start typing a tag name.

For those who prefer the previous subtitle editor, which only displays the rendered text, a “Simple Editor” is also available. This editor syncs with the normal editor but displays only the text without tags while rendering some basic tag effects. However, due to the complexities of ASS tag rules, style editing in the Simple Editor can sometimes behave unpredictably. So it’s best suited for simpler use cases before or after editing styles.

Subtitle Manager

Continuing from the previous improvements, the Subtitle Manager is now integrated with style management and has been divided into four sections: File, Event, Style, and Info, which correspond to the four main components of ASS subtitles. Each section, except for the File section, includes a sidebar for switching between different subtitle files. Additionally, when in the Style section, we can drag and drop a style item onto a subtitle file name in the sidebar to efficiently move or copy styles between files. The same functionality is available in the Event section, where we can move or copy an entire layer to another file.


Style Editor

A new widget, the Style Editor, was created to edit styles and provide a preview.

Convert Old Global Style

Old styles will now be automatically converted to the “Default” style in the new project. Font size, outline, and shadow will be scaled to maintain the original effects.

Different Default Styles for Layers

Now, we can assign different default styles to each layer, which will automatically be applied to a subtitle event when it’s created on the corresponding layer. This feature is especially useful for quickly building a subtitle file with multiple speakers, allowing each speaker to have a distinct style.


It has been a wonderful summer getting involved in the KDE community and contributing to Kdenlive! I may not be the best at coding, but I’ve learned a lot throughout this journey. Thanks for everyone who has gave me guidence — Eugen Mohr, Farid Abdelnour, and especially my mentor, Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. While GSoC is coming to an end, my journey with KDE is just beginning. After these updates, I plan to continue improving subtitle functions, including making it easier for users to input more ASS override tags and refining the UI and user experience. See you in my next blog :)