seri037's blog


GSoC '24 Progress: Week 9 - 12

Hello everyone! Time flies and now we’re already in the final week of GSoC. In this blog post I’ll be sharing the progress I’ve made since my last update, focusing primarily on subtitle styling. Subtitle Editor The first thing I did was to enhance the existing subtitle editor. The updated editor now serves as an interface for editing ASS events, which include various components. With the new subtitle editor, we can easily modify elements such as the event’s layer, style, margins, and more.

GSoC '24 Progress: Week 7 and 8

Multiple Subtitle Track I continued to refine the feature proposed in my previous blog. We can now add new layers directly on the timeline by simply dragging the existing subtitle out of the bottom border of the subtitle track. Adding, moving, and deleting subtitles work as before, now with layer support. I also added an indicator to the header of the subtitle track. It looks like this: Besides setting a style to a specific subtitle event, I also plan to add the feature of setting different default styles for different subtitle layers.

GSoC '24 Progress: Week 3 - 6

Hi there! The past few weeks have been really busy with my final exams, so I had to slow down my work. Here’s a brief status report on my progress over the past 4 weeks: I created a SubtitleEvent class to help us better manage subtitle event information, which can replace the original SubtitledTime class. To distinguish subtitles from different layers, I also added basic display support for subtitle layers as multiple subtitle tracks.

GSoC '24 Progress: Week 1 and 2

Hi! It has been over two weeks since the coding period began. In this blog post, I will provide a brief summary of my work during the first two weeks. After spending some time reviewing the code, I decided to start by refactoring the existing code related to ASS format subtitles. This has two main goals: first, to enable Kdenlive to read as much information as possible from ASS subtitles (specifically, the features supported by libass) and load it into the memory; and second, to ensure that Kdenlive can save all this information back to the file.

Intro blog of GSoC 2024 - Kdenlive

Hello everyone in KDE community! My name is Chengkun Chen. This year I’ll be responsible for improving subtitle support in Kdenlive and I’m excited to work with all of you. :) About project The subtitle support in Kdenlive is limited due to its current storage method: subtitles are stored in SRT format files, which are human-readable but lack flexibility. The ASS format is a better choice to enhance Kdenlive’s creative capabilities.